Wednesday, March 24, 2010

From no library to showcase library!

Almost exactly five years ago, Bedford (TX) residents in favor of a tax rollback won that election by 10 votes. As a result, the Bedford (TX) City Council voted 4-3 to close the Bedford Public Library and several other city services in order to repay 3.5 million dollars collected before the rollback was put in place.

Since then, library supporters have succeeded not only in getting the 17,000 square foot library re-opened but also in urging the City to purchase a former Food Lion building and contracting to have it redesigned as a 40,500 square foot library.

Last night, March 23, 2010, the Bedford (TX) City Council approved the $1.9 million dollar grant for a 244.75 kw solar panel system from the State Energy and Conservation Office for the new Bedford Public Library. The non-roof penetrating solar system will save 343,384 kw annually.

The new library will be a showcase for the community on sustainable and energy efficient green technologies combining geothermal wells, a reflective roof, energy efficient lighting and solar panels. You've come a long way, Bedford!

For more information about the geothermal project, visit .

For more information about the entire renovation, click on the links in the lower portion of .

BTW: The floor plan for the new library originated in the focus group made up of Bedford teens.

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