New Book Review Website Seeking Self-Published Works
Does this sound familiar?
You have gone to a lot of effort to get a book self-published and now you are trying to get the book sold. You have read in numerous locations that one of the best selling devices is to get a book reviewed. However, no one will even look at your book. What do you do? Are you tired of getting ignored by book review authors and publications? A new website dedicated to reviewing self-published works is about to ease your frustration.
"We created Wright's Online Book Reviews for Self-Published Works as a way for authors to have someone consider their book after all their hard work to get it published. We feel that self-publishing is now a legitimate
path for an author to take and we want to acknowledge this by taking a look at their book." said co-founder Adam Wright, a long-time librarian and leader in his field.
"At the same time, we realize that libraries and book stores have a difficult time fitting self-published items into their collection development policies because of the lack of credibility attached to self-publishing." Adam continues. "We would like to do the hard work for libraries and book stores by filtering out the jewels from the junk of the self-publishing world."
Adam started the site with his Kerry after visiting San Francisco and reading an article on the plane trip back about how self-publishing has become more widespread but people have difficulty getting their self-published works taken seriously. Adam, as a library consultant, knew that many libraries required at least one reputable review to consider purchasing a book, went searching the web for a review source."
"We didn't find many so we thought it was a shame that some voices were not being heard just because a book had been self-published versus the traditional means. We wanted to change that." Adam stated when asked.
In response, Adam and Kerry started Wright's Online Book Reviews for Self-Published Works (WBR) with the mission of "To promote self-published works by providing honest, credible reviews of them." WBR has figured out a review process that will consider each submission fairly, but only the best of the best will get an actual review written.
"We are going to use Nancy Pearl's 50 page test when it comes to reviewing books. If after 50 pages, we do not feel the book is high quality, we will move onto the next one." Kerry says, a longtime teacher and Speech Therapist. "Every week, we plan to list out the books who made the cut and those who did not. In this way, libraries and book stores know whether the book is worthy of purchase. We also give more in-depth reviews of the good ones."
During the month of September, WBR will accepting inquires from interested authors to be some of the first reviewed by the site, which will debut with reviews on October 11, 2009. Interested authors should go to the website at to fill out the form to have their book considered.
It should be noted that all books received by WBR for review will be donated to a local library.
About WBR
WBR is one of the first sites dedicated to reviewing self-published titles.
It's mission is to help authors promote their books through their reviews.