Friday, July 06, 2012

TechNet 2012: Tracing the Threads of Technology

The simultaneously invasive and pervasive nature of technology seems virtually impossible to evade in today's world. While we all enjoy instant access to facts, figures and other information, we seem to embrace it so quickly that we fail to ask just what the true cost of that access is. Are individuals - or, for that matter, libraries themselves - paying for increased access with the loss of privacy, the diminishing of our principals and codes of ethics, the lowering of our standards and the tarnishing of our image? 

Need time to ponder the question? You have until August 9, 2012. 

Need additional points to consider before you even begin to ponder? You can get them at TechNet 2012.

TechNet 2012, NTLP's 5th Annual Conference on Library Technology, is scheduled for Thursday August 9 at the University of Dallas (which happens to be in Irving). Gary Price, producer of infoDocket for Library Journal, will be the keynote speaker. As a librarian, writer, consultant and frequent conference speaker, he has raised the question often, both for his own contemplation and as a point for his audiences to consider.

The focus of most of the day's sessions won't be on tracing the threads of technology, but don't be surprised if something about Gary's keynote presentation has you tracing those threads in each session you attend.

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