To Locate a GED Testing Center
To find a local GED testing center near you, please consult the online testing center locator or call 1-800-626-9433 (1-800-62-MYGED) to find your local testing center.
For additional assistance, please use the following resources:
- To Learn About the GED For general information about the GED, please visit the American Council on Education’s GED Testing Service website.
- To Obtain, Verify, or Validate GED Certificates and Scores All test takers, employers/potential employers, and postsecondary institutions may print a PDF containing a GED certificate and accompanying test scores. To print a certificate, the user needs to have either the test taker’s date of birth and name, or date of birth and Social Security Number. A credit card or electronic transfer from a checking account is required to pay the $5.00 charge. If you encounter technical difficulties downloading the certificate, call the TexGov help desk at 1-800-399-2969.
- To Resolve Problems with Accessing Certificates and Scores To report and resolve problems, including problems with certificates and test scores, do NOT contact TEA – instead contact your local testing center.
source: GED Unit Texas Education Agency