Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Public Library Annual Reports - Just Do It!

TSLAC just released the Public Library Annual Report Form for fiscal year 2011. Completing the annual report is important for maintaining your library's accreditation.

With the recent budget changes, we have heard some librarians questioning the value of completing the report. NTLP encourages all Texas Public Libraries to complete the annual report, both for the sake of staying accredited and in order to add to the growing body of statistics that relate public library usage to community economic trends.

At we have two new articles explaining why your annual report matters. Paul Waak's article Why Do We Have Annual Library Statistics? explains how the data is being used to create statistical proof that good libraries lead to better economic conditions in their communities. Carolyn Brewer's article Is Accreditation Really Important for Public Libraries? discusses the purposes of accreditation and how it is seen by your city, county, and state funders.

At NTLP we would like to see TSLAC, TLA and other interested stakeholders revisit the Texas library standards and update them to meet the current challenges and opportunities with technology and trends. Public library accreditation remains meaningful, even when not tied to state funding.